Gates Carbon Drive

Belted Blog

Mountain Mutant Project is Born

  March 22, 2010
A good day for a ride and a cold Chub

Last Spring, we deployed some Gates Carbon Drive bikes deep into the mountains and woods outside of Boulder, Colorado. The Mountain Mutant Project was born. Our purpose: put these bikes and their belt drives through the ultimate torture test. In the coming weeks, Dave Kingsbury and his team of misfits and mutant riders will thrash their bikes hard in rough conditions on the rock-strewn trails and singletrack that rise to the Continental Divide. The bikes will traverse from 5,000 feet to 8,500 feet nearly every day, and they will go even bigger on weekends. Don’t be surprised if the bikes are broken down and thrown in boats, strapped on backs or otherwise manipulated in the name of adventure, discovery and stoke. Call it science, R&D, product testing or just plain old mountain living, mutant style.

Mountain Mutants Project is Kingsbury’s running dialogue about his trials and tribulations from the saddle of his singlespeed Spot 29er equipped with Carbon Drive. There may be musings on life and mountain biking. There may be beer. There will be blood. And it will never be boring. Tune in for future installments from Colorado’s ever changing and always beautiful high country.

Now let’s pass the mic to DK.