Gates Carbon Drive

Belted Blog

Spring in The Rockies

  March 23, 2010
It all starts here
Yep, snow's just about all gone!

First post in the Mutant space, and I gotta say, I am glad to be here. After 9 days off the bike, pneumonia, 2+ feet of snow, I was able to ride all the way to Boulder today. Yes, the rumors are true: You can actually connect from the highlands of Mongolia. You may need a sled, parachute, snowmobile, boat, whatever….but with diligence, It is possible. A perfect day for a belt. Temperatures starting out in the mid-20’s and into the mid-40’s by the time I hit Boulder. Surfaces ranging from sheet ice and snow, to mud and slush and finally plain old puddles in Boulder. It felt amazing to get out, and roll, silently, under my own power. It is Spring here in The Rockies, and although we are expecting another 15+ inches of snow in the next 24 hours, the cold and the dark are fighting a losing battle and before we know it, we will be rolling through fields of green, blissfully watching our world come back to life here in the high country.