Gates Carbon Drive

Belted Blog

Another Day. Another 2 feet.

  March 25, 2010
When dropping rocks over 18 feet, always have a Patroller present.
Highway, or clear empty path. You decide.
The Belted Sled of Love at rest, for the moment

Yes, yesterday, forgive me father. I did not ride. A bike, that is. When nature calls in the form of almost 20 inches of snow overnight it’s time for the ‘other – other’ single-track: The steep, heavily forested ‘kind of inbounds’ places we love at Eldora: God’s Postage Stamp. Yesterday was epic, and my legs were ALL junky this morning from 4 hours of knee deep powder. What better way to cleanse than a spin to work, where I am always struck by the serenity and calm of the bike path….and the cluster of angst and pollution that is the ‘highway’. I am so fortunate that I can literally ride into my building here, and my bike (s) can sit right outside my door…..calling to me all day….they are like horses for the barn in the afternoon hours wanting to get back to the woods. We’re a minimum of three weeks out on trails up high. Probably more like 6 weeks. However, this is a great time to spin and warm the legs up and remind them of the stage race called summer that is about to begin.