Gates Carbon Drive

Belted Blog

B-cycle Bike Share Program Comes to Denver

  April 5, 2010
A Gates Carbon Drive-sponsored B-cycle

Let’s step off the Carbon Drive soapbox for a minute to talk about cycling in general. Bikes are one of the greatest machines ever invented, and cycling is a healthy, fun, affordable and environmentally friendly method of transportation. Commuting by bike reduces air pollution, saves money on gas and auto repairs, lowers greenhouse gas emissions, eases traffic gridlock and improves public health. Did you know that people who switch from cars to bike commuting lose an average of 13 pounds the first year. Dude, that’s a lot of pancakes.

In light of these facts, Gates is proud to announce that it is a sponsor of the groundbreaking bike share program that will begin on Earth Day, April 22, in Denver. It’s called B-cycle, as in B a cyclist. B-cycle will offer bikes for rent at kiosks around Denver, which now joins Paris as one of the first major cities to implement a bike sharing program.

Why Denver? With hundreds of miles of bike paths, some that run along rivers and scenic corridors far from traffic and city noise, the Mile High City is ideally suited for pedaling.

Some of the B-cycles will carry the familiar Gates Carbon Drive logo. Gates and the Gates Family Foundation are big supporters of cycling, with the foundation contributing to the creation of the Denver Metro area bike path system. In the future, you may even see some B-cycles with Carbon Drive.

If you live near Denver, come out on Earth Day and join the B-cycle party. Just make sure to ride your bike there.

Look for the big B symbol, which signifies the location of a B-cycle station