Gates Carbon Drive

Belted Blog

First 'ride' of Spring

  April 5, 2010
One of the few dry spots

Yesterday was a ‘ride regardless’, even in the morning when there were white-out conditions and 50mph winds. I trotted out about 10:30am to head over to a neighbors to watch 25 kids hunt for eggs in Everest base camp like conditions. I climbed up through the ‘House of Fitness’ and did not get to see the legendary Mr. Fitness himself, but he was able to snap this pic of a fat little Bobcat who came out right after I passed through the portal of fitness.

Just waking up

This little cat echoes my sentiment. Stoked to be out. Got a little frustrated at the depth and length of some of the drifts. They were more carries and pushes than riding. However, when you are ‘training’ for The Vapor, I figure just about anything ‘counts’. Falling down, pushing, napping with, anything you can possibly do with your bike.
Trails…soon…maybe even head out to Lyons on Wednesday.