Gates Carbon Drive

Belted Blog

Denver and Boulder Bike Messengers Ride the Belt

  July 9, 2010

Bike messengers put a lot of stress and strain on their bikes, riding through rain and snow and all weather conditions like a modern Pony Express. The guys at Denver Boulder Couriers in Colorado are no exception. They pedal up to 50 miles on an average shift, riding for seven-plus hours to deliver packages and documents to businesses, hospitals, law officesand government agencies. There is no time for mechanical failures or maintenance problems with their bikes.Denver Boulder Couriers has a secret weapon to keep them on schedule:Gates Carbon Drive.”It’s super efficient, it’s really light, there’s no lag time when you’re coming out of a stop sign or stoplight,”says DBC messenger Sam Reinish.General manager Tim Quinn says ease of maintenance is another big advantage: “There hasn’t been any.” Check out the video oftheirPrimus Mootry with the Carbon Drive System.

Check out more videos aboutGates Carbon Drive here.