Gates Carbon Drive

Belted Blog

Casali Wins Last Race of Colorado Cup SS CX Season on his Hodala

  January 24, 2011
Carlos Casali of Team Gates with his Raleigh Hodala outfitted with Gates Carbon Drive.
Carlos before the race with his Raleigh Hodala

All good things must come to an end, and for Carlos Casali of Team Gates Carbon Drive the last singlespeed cyclocross race of the Colorado Cup season ended with, what else? Another victory. The win added to the team’s margin of victory in both the team and individual Colorado Cup singlespeed categories. In addition to Casali, another Gates rider had a superlative season: Derek Strong finished in third-place in the Colorado Cup singlespeed CX category.

The Gates Carbon Drive equipped Raleigh Hodala bike of Team Gates member Carlos Casali.
Casali's Raleigh Hodala, "an awesome bike."

The race at Boulder Reservoir on Saturday began with cold and windy conditions, and a slightly smaller field than normal, likely due to the fact it had been a month since the last race and many competitors have broken out their skis for the Rocky Mountain winter. Due to the strong headwind and course layout, this race favored bike handling skill over speed. Casali took the lead on the first lap and held on–despite a painful fall while running up a set of wooden stairs. “I hit my knee hard, and for about a lap I struggled as other riders gained on me, but I got my act together and toughed it out.”

Team Gates raced on Spot Mods and Raleigh Hodalas with Gates Carbon Drive at the Colorado Cup.
I want one of each! Team Gates raced on Spot Mods and Raleigh Hodalas

Casali, who was racing his belt-drive Raleigh Hodala, praised the Hodala’s performance on the sandy racecourse. “The Hodala is an amazing bike,” he said after the race. “I can’t wait to race it again next season.”

The Spot Mod of a Team Gates Rider equipped with Gates Carbon Drive.
Season over, it's time to put the bikes away and head home