Gates Carbon Drive

Belted Blog

Team Gates Carbon Drive Wins Individual and Team Trophies in Colorado Cross Cup

  February 9, 2011

Carlos Casali of Team Gates accepts a trophy at the American Cycling Association ceremony.The annual American Cycling Association awards ceremony in Golden, Colo., recently was a night of pizza, beer and friendly camaraderie among all the racers present. The ACA presented trophies to points leaders in various race categories. Carlos Casali of Team Gates Carbon Drive was on hand to accept two trophies: one for his individual points win in the singlespeed CX category of the Colorado Cross Cup, and another for Gates Carbon Drive’s first place in the team singlespeed cyclocross competition.

Awarded to Team Gates, the trophy for first place in the team singlespeed cyclocross competition.

“I was honored to have taken part in an amazing journey while testing and racing on the Gates Carbon Drive,” Casali says. As happened all season, Casali says several racers approached him at the ceremony to inquire about joining the team. Casali is delivering the team trophy to Gates so that it can be displayed at the corporate headquarters in Denver. Congratulations once again to Casali and the entire race team: Mitch Westall, Derek Strong, Garrett Davis and Brian Hutchison.