Gates Carbon Drive

Belted Blog

Faraday Electrifies San Francisco with eBike Demo Program

  January 21, 2015

San Francisco is one of America’s most beautiful cities, but its hills are a challenge for bicyclists. Enter the Faraday eBike, which provides an electric boost to get you home or to work, no sweat. Want to test one? If you live in San Francisco or plan to visit the Bay Area, Faraday has a demo program that allows you to test a Porteur eBike for up to a week. Free. If you are too busy to visit the Faraday office, they will deliver an eBike to your home or office for a small charge.”For most people this is their first time experiencing an electric bike and Gates belt drive,” says Faraday founder Adam Vollmer. “The demo program is a fun way to see how our bike fits into your life, test your commute and also feel the smooth and clean advantages of a Gates Carbon Drive versus a chain.” It also means you can pedal this most beautiful city, enjoying its sights and culture, with ease and

Faraday-street feet


Faraday-switchback with cityscape