Gates Carbon Drive

Belted Blog

Gates Carbon Drive 10-Year Photo Book

  April 18, 2017

In 2007, a new brand appeared at the Interbike trade show with a bold mission: put belts on bicycles. Gates Carbon Drive was born. A decade later, Gates Carbon Drive has grown from an innovative idea into a global brand used by bike manufacturers worldwide and ridden by cyclists around the planet.



To commemorate a decade of belting bicycles, Gates has created a 10-year anniversary photo book. The book includes many of our favorite images of beautiful belt drive bicycles and the innovators, adventurers and racers who create, race and ride them. The book tells the story of Gates Carbon Drive’s creation by a small group of passionate bicyclists at Gates, and follows the product’s evolution from just a couple belts and sprockets to today’s large, integrated product line of belts, sprockets, cranksets and more. The book likewise mentions many of the globetrotting bicyclists who are pedaling Carbon Drive through some of the planet’s most challenging environments, and inspiring us to follow. Preview a short version of the book here. Click to order your free copy.

