Gates Carbon Drive

Belted Blog

New Belt Drive Bikes Site Launches:

  January 10, 2011

Hoping to grow consumer interest in belt drive bicycles, two Boulder cyclists have launched Kyle Krall and Tait Stangl both own bikes with Gates Carbon Drive. Talking with friends about their bikes, the two realized that lots of cyclists want to ride belt drive bikes but knowing where to go locally to buy or test one was confusing. So they included a shop locator function on their site that in the coming months will help consumers locate bikes with Carbon Drive at local shops. The site features a growing selection of more than 70 bikes with Carbon Drive. The goal of the site is to become a leading source for consumer information about belt drive bikes. Gates Carbon Drive Systems is a big fan of the site and plans to work with to help cyclists experience the clean, quiet, light and strong advantages of Gates Carbon Drive as featured in the New York Times and Popular Mechanics.