Gates Carbon Drive

Belted Blog

Mountain Bike Action: Ventana Breaks from the Chain Gang

  June 9, 2010

Ventana is a cool frame builder based in Rancho Cordova, California, that has joined the Carbon Drive posse. Ventana builds a version of its El Commandante 29er singlespeed with a split in the rear triangle so that it’s compatible with a belt drive system. Mountain Bike Action reviews the belted El Commandante 29er in its July issue. In addition to loving the orange metal flake paint job and its climbing and descending abilities, MBA really enjoyed the acceleration and power of the Gates Carbon Drive. “Give it your best Brian Lopes sprint effort and you will discover that there is no flex or stretch in the belt,” says the article. “It silently accelerates. It feels electric in its power output.” Pick up a copy of the July issue of Mountain Bike Action to check out the review.